Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thank You!

So there she is. Thanks to anyone who has read any of these pieces of Enso and a special thank you to anyone who has read it from the start. This entire process has been a learning one. I'm not sure if I like how the story reads in short selections, but I'm not sure if I would have wanted to post it in its entirety either, so…

I appreciate the feedback and also the encouragement. Like Connor, I unexpectedly found myself changed by a week in Osaka in October of 2006 and began writing this story in April of 2007. It was written almost entirely in Korea and America, though the finishing touches on the first draft were done over Christmas week 2007 once again in Japan. All in all, there were more than five drafts and I've probably read and reread it more than even I care to remember.

I think that almost anyone who has felt led to give me their time and attention must be someone who I've known for many years in one walk of life or another (why else would you have agreed to read all of this?), but to anyone who I'm yet to meet, thank you so much as well.

I hope, someday to thank each of you personally, and well, if you ever get out to Osaka, Namba, Osaka-jo and the like, maybe I'll see you there.


With kindest regards,


Stephen McGrath

Busan, Korea

February 14, 2009